Sol Undra

Welcome to the capital of Eden. To just your right is the tallest building in this world, the Pinnacle of the Core.

The Pinnacle of the Core serves as the capital building and the church. The height allows for worshippers of the Core to feel closer to what they feel grants them life. They aren't wrong, of course, they've just forgotten that the Core is man-made, and they are completely unaware that it is dying. Those who follow the teachings of the Core practice what is called Coreanism and are called Coreanists. Coreanists make up the majority of Eden's residents, and nearly all of Sol Undra's residents.
As the capital building, The Pinnacle of the Core is where the Heroic Council meets for their weekly Heroic Conference every year. However, it mainly serves as the Hero Tower of local Sol Undran heroes. You'll have to find out who the heroes are nowadays, as I don't tend to keep track of that sort of thing. The last time I was interested in Sol Undran heroes Wrath was still popular, so you can imagine I'm a bit out of the loop.
However, I can tell you that it is common practice for the Pinnacle of the Core to be rebuilt every one thousand years. The architect who designs the new Pinnacle of the Core is heralded as the Architect of the Era. I'm fairly sure the Pinnacle of the Core was burnt down a few years back, though... I wonder how they dealt with that.

Feel free to step inside!

Just accross from the Pinnacle of the Core, to your left, is the Irekes Tower. It was built just a few decades ago, and I haven't actually guided a tour through Eden since sometime before that. I guess you and I are discovering it together, then

As far as I know, the Irekes family is a new money family- one that grew incredibly rich overnight and has only continued to flourish. I'm not partial to the upper class personally, but everyone's gotta admit you can't just make that kind of money overnight, right? Too bad they've got the Heroic Council in their back pockets. Or- well- in their backyard.
What does a single family even do with eighty-three floors?

Maybe you can find out.